Saturday, 7 September 2019

The Big Finish Catch-Up August 2019

For those of you new to this section of the blog, I started listening to the Big Finish Doctor Who releases when they started back in 1999, getting them as they were released up to mid 2002 and release No 33 Neverland. At that time I left Uni and due to being a bit busy with life and what not I only heard one or two releases over the next few years. I started getting back into them around 2008 and was 6 years behind at that point. Due to wondering off into the Lost Doctor range and a relaxed listening pace I fell further behind. In order to catch up I'm listening to two releases a month (or more when its a 60 min single disc release, plus without seeing the cover or knowing anything about the story) and my mission to catch up continues;

First up this month is Relative Dimensions in the 8th Doctor range featuring the 8th Doctor, Susan, Lucie and Alex. For those familiar with this story I'm listening to it at the wrong time of year and its a rather lovely low key Christmas special 8/10. Its a rather intimate little story with a Doctor Who twist thrown in for good measure and this season is rivalling the first in terms of quality.

Second up The Similarity Engine featuring Jago & Litefoot with the final story of the season 1 box set. I had little idea what was going on but had a fun time none the less 9/10. As for the box set as a whole, I'll certainly be coming back for more. As a box set the first story had to do a lot of set up which I can understand, the final story had to close things up which it mostly did well and it gave us two bonkers stories in the middle, so as a whole 9/10. 

Finally this month The Foe From the Future featuring the 4th Doctor and Leela. Loads of fun and its rare that a story can make me cheer out loud like a situation with Leela late in the story does. The best compliment that I can pay a "Lost Story" is that during the story I felt like I was transported back to the era its set and could easily be watching a DVD. Highly recommended and not the story featuring cats on Gallifrey that I was expected 8/10.

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