Friday 24 July 2015

Married at First Sight

In case you missed it ladies and gentle readers a staple over the last few Thursday nights has been 'Married at first sight' a show based around an experiment of getting strangers to marry.

Needless to say things did not go according to plan, the selection process was controlled by scientists who from the look of them couldn't spot a couple with chemistry if they were sat at the next table. An example of the scientists fuckery is two people were chosen for their 'traditional views on marriage' and were surprised when both of them pulled out!

On last nights final episode things weren't going to well as Emma was being rather awkward around James. There were a few awkward moments on the honey moon and things looked to be progressively getting strained. Things were however disastrous with Katie and Jason, who didn't get off to a good start when he unpacked his belongings into the spare bedroom. He then asked Ch 4 to stop filming and decided not to turn up to a counselling session. Katie then spotted him on Tinder and proceeded (to the surprise of nobody) to give him the elbow.

The one success of this show turned out surprisingly to be Emma and James (it well and truly shocked me). Emma progressively throughout the show brought down her barriers and got more comfortable around James to the extent she let him give her a foot massage - still wearing socks though. Without doubt we were watching two people become a couple and three months after filming they are still together. This blogger wishes them all the luck in the world however a lesson learnt from this show is scientists should stick to curing disease and making the world a better place, leave relationships to the experts.

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