Tuesday 8 February 2022

Deep Space Nine - The Passenger

Theres not a lot to say about this episode, coming into it I had no memory of it and doubt I'll remember anything in a weeks time. Its another ensemble episode showing off various members of the cast that we're still getting to know. We get some good character stuff such as Sisko backing Odo against Starfleet security which has the extra flavour of Odo being so used to working with people who are against him he's endlessly trying to confront Sisko despite him backing him up. We also see Quark in both his fluffy and criminal mode which is fun. 

In terms of plot this is a story that swings for a boundary but at best goes for ones or twos and at worst loses its stumps. All the way through I'm enjoying the episode but there was a lot of muttering along the lines "oh no" or "don't do that." Due to the character stuff I'm behind this episode and will give it 6/10 as there is still novelty in watching an early DS9 episode as it becomes DS9. 

I'm going to have to turn into a fan producer for this one as this episode could have been saved so easily. Have the cold open shown from Kira's point of view, showing it from Bashir's gives to much away. Also towards the ending they should have let Alex Siddig go proper OTT.