Tuesday 31 August 2021

Lost - Tricia Tanaka is Dead

Despite the title this is a lovely fluffy fun episode for Hurley that has a few plot elements tucked in to keep the viewers happy. Hurley's flashback is fun and raises a few laughs and the tone is set straight away by his Mr Cluck fast food joint gets hit by a meteor. Timeline wise this takes place just before Hurley heads to Australia and it's all good set up. Special mention to Cheech Marin who sets his character to the tone of the episode in ways most actors are unable to.

In the meat of the episode we get a character piece on Hurley who after taking so many blows since the start of season two reaches the point where he needs a win. We get a sequence where the Losties find a camper van with a dead body in it (Roger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and decide to get it going again - the van not the dead body. During this sequence Kate and Sawyer return to the camp and Kate promptly packs some water and leaves again taking Locke and Sayid to rescue Jack. The stuff with the compass reading is utter balls but recruiting Rousseau to the party is a tasty development as Alex has been well set up this season and we could see a development of the separated mother/daughter plot thats been in play since season one.

It's a lovely fluffy 7/10 from me and I'd forgot the Dharma work clothes and Roger were introduced so early. This episode flies or crashes based on Jorge Garcia's performance as Hurley and for me it flies, it's a rare example of an actor displaying their full range.

Thursday 19 August 2021

The Big Finish Catch-Up June 2020 - August 2021

For those of you new to this section of the blog, I started listening to the Big Finish Doctor Who releases when they started back in 1999, getting them as they were released up to mid 2002 and release No 33 Neverland. At that time I left Uni and due to being a bit busy with life and what not I only heard one or two releases over the next few years. I started getting back into them around 2008 and was 6 years behind at that point. Due to wondering off into the Lost Doctor range and a relaxed listening pace I fell further behind. In order to catch up I'm listening to two releases a month (or more when its a 60 min single disc release, plus without seeing the cover or knowing anything about the story) and my mission to catch up continues; 

However as I've fallen behind its time for some snap reviews of the last years of my Big Finish listening, these contain first time listens and relistens to old favourites:

The Silver Turk - Absorbing and engaging with the first full distance look at a new TARDIS lineup, 9/10.

Project Destiny - Possibly the most emotional story I've heard in years which had me at one point yelling "Don't do it - LEAVE HEX alone!" 9.5/10.

The Kingmaker - One of the highlights of Big Finish and virtually perfect 10/10.

100 - A fun collection of stories which range from fun to doing a deep dive into the Sixth Doctor 8/10.

Night Terrors - One of Big Finishes best ventures into outright horror 9/10.

Cairdroia - A fun story with a low level slice of bite that changes the status quo of the ongoing storyline 9/10.

Oh No It Isn't - The very first Big Finish and very first Bernice Summerfield story. Lots of laughs, Benny hits the ground running 9/10.

The Kiss of Death - A fun romp with the Fifth Doctor and his three companions, good Turlough story 6/10.

And You Will Obey Me - Cracking little story that keeps escalating 7/10

Vampire of the Mind - Fun romp as Sixy meets the Big Finish Master 7/10.

The Two Masters - A fun end to the trilogy 9.5/10.

The Curse of Davros - A good twist story with enough elements to keep it going after the twist is revealed.

The Witch From the Well - Another well engaging plot story that keeps the listener guessing 9/10.

A Death in the Family - The feeling of Big Finish doing something special 10/10.

The Fourth Wall - A fun fluffy story which has a slightly off tone but is still good 7/10.

Circular Time - A collection of Fifth Doctor and Nyssa stories that when put together are stronger than the sum of their parts 10/10.

Sunday 15 August 2021

Lost - Stranger in a Strange Land

A notorious episode for a number of reasons, first of all it's an episode based on Matthew Fox tattoo and secondly it's the final episode shown on Virgin in the UK before Sky took Sky1 away and didn't give it back for one and a half seasons. I approached this episode with a sense of trepidation and came away a tad shocked when it turned out to be quite good.

It's a character episode with a bit of filler thrown in as in what remains a bonkers flashback Jack gets his second in what feels like a too soon story based on the actors tattoo. On Hydra island we see the ramifications of the escape and Jacks attempt to turn Bens operation into a hostage situation. The best moment is when we see Cindy from the tail section and the introduction of Isabel. The escapees are still on their way back to the camp in a traditional "it takes a few episodes to cross the island" sequence and Karl is written out.

In short a good slow burn character episode let down by a week flashback, at worst this episode is unengaging and at best a much requested look at "The Others" society, 8/10.

Saturday 14 August 2021

Deep Space Nine - Past Prologue

My Deep Space Nine watch-a-long continues at a slightly out of order pace due to Netflix as we move through the opening episodes of DS9. While this is certainly a Kira episode the star of the show is most certainly the debuting Garak. We also see more of the shows culture developing and theres a sense that this corner of Star Trek is most certainly going to be fun.

Lets start with Julians ongoing chaser storyline, it takes the obligatory step forward as he meets up for dinner with blatant homosexual Cardassian Garak. These scenes are wonderfully played as gay dates with Julian being unsure of himself during them (and boasting about them later to his friends) while Garak blatantly has intentions of taking him under his wing. At this point all we're missing from this storyline is a dream fantasy sequence involving Dax and for Garak to disappear for an extended sequence before popping up again and acting like he never left.

The majority of this episode is about Kira and her relationships with the Bajoran Government, Starfleet and her older more extreme colleagues from the resistance. Emotionally she's thrown from pillar to post and for the majority of the episode we don't know whose side she will choose. Also her relationship with Ben Sisko at this point is wonderfully spiky.

Garak is already loads of fun, I like the guest appearance by the Klingon sisters who help bed in the show to remind us we're in the same fictional universe as Star Trek Next Generation. Nana Visitor is proper intense in every scene and has a lovely moment where Ben informs her not to go over his head again and the soldier inside her cringes at being chewed out by her commanding officer.

In terms of main cast relationships the relationships Kira has with Starfleet and Odo are established and Julian has been given a wonderful situation to dive into with Garak. It says so much that so many of the main cast haven't really done a lot yet and this is going to be the third high ranking episode in a row, 9/10.

Sunday 1 August 2021

July Football

 The new part of the blog continues as I rank the football matches I watched in April from least favourite to favourite. Based on nothing more than my opinion and enjoyment from watching each match.

Switzerland 1-1 Spain (Spain win 3-1 on penalties), Euro 2020, Spain went ahead through a deflected corner in the first ten minutes and this looked like it could be a gubbing. Losing interest I nodded off and was rudely awakened on the 68th minute when Shaqiri scored an equaliser. Things had unexpectedly got interesting and ten minutes later Switzerland were down to ten men. They held out to force extra time and then spent all of extra time defending like lions as Spain got closer and closer. Despite heroics from Sommer in the Swiss goal Spain moved on to the next round.

Ukraine 0-4 England, Euro 2020, after the last game Ukraine looked like they'd have to stitch their players back together in order to field a full strength team. England went ahead with a trademark early move and as the half went on Ukraine slowly got back into things. Early in the second half England put them to the sword and it was all over. The most dominant display of the quarter finals went to an ominous looking England.

England 2-1 Denmark, Euro 2020, going in this game had the feeling of being the less interesting semi-final but it turned into a good game as Denmark went ahead and looked like they weren't here to roll over. Naturally player of the tournament OG got England level and Harry Kane scored the winner in extra time robbing us of penalties.

Italy 1-1 England (Italy won 3-2 on penalties), Euro 2020, Italy didn't turn up until half time which left England to try and dominate the game with eight defensive players. They went ahead early and Italy spent the rest of the game getting back into it with Bonucci eventually converting a goal mouth scramble. In truth Italy dominated the game while both teams had chances and it was a fun final. England briefly went ahead in the shootout, Italy came from behind to win and we got an emotional end to what was an emotional tournament. 

Belgium 1-2 Italy, Euro 2020, two of the narratives flowing through the story of these Euros were Belgiums best ever team running out of time to win something and how Italy got their groove back. Italy went two up during the first half with Lukaku scoring in injury time. The second half turned bonkers as Italy bent time and space to keep two certain Belgium goals out as both teams continued to attack. Kevin of the Bruynes looked more and more crazed as the game went on (poor sod was playing through injury) and Italy progressed albeit with the caveat of losing Spinazzola for the rest of the tournament.

Czech Republic 1-2 Denmark, Euro 2020,  the main story of the Euros for obvious reasons has been Denmark due to Christian Eriksen. They progressed after a fun blood and guts match as both teams went for it and left it all on the pitch - great fun.

Italy 1-1 Spain, Euro 2020, the first semi-final and it had the feel of an epic. Spain had the majority of the possession but when Italy got it they used it well. Busquets was the player of the match and it took Italy longer than expected to work him out. Chiesa put Italy ahead and Morata equalised. We got an epic extra time and went to penalties where the overwhelming memory will be Morata's shot getting saved.