Friday 15 April 2022

Deep Space Nine - Vortex

Its another Odo episode so obviously its brilliant. We're about twelve episodes in and some characters are carving out their own niches and corners of the show with so far Odo being the most successful. Not only are his own episodes distinctive he fits in so well in other characters episodes. A more solid reason why this story is so enjoyable is the rule we've all heard before that science fiction is at its best when its trying to be something else. This story wants to be so many things, noir, a crime thriller, a story of salvation and hope.

Odo's backstory is one the defining arcs of the show and seeing the start of it is enjoyable on almost every level. An aspect of this story is the direction and writing, Odo is constantly preoccupied with Croden and becomes more obsessed with him as the episode goes on. As such we're given some swerves at points it looks like various regulars are going to be getting more screen time but as soon as Odo is done with them its straight back to Croden. It puts over the idea that Odo is alone and lonely but he could so easily not be if he opened up.

In short a fantastic early episode and has the feel of a must watch for Odo's character as well as the series, 9/10.