Friday 2 January 2015

The Big Finish Catch Up: December 2014

In my ongoing mission to catch up with Big Finishes output I squeeze four releases into December.

Up first this month is "The Chaos Pool" featuring the 5th Doctor and Amy played by Peter Davidson and Ciara Janson. In case you can't remember I got the first part of this trilogy in a sale a few years back and when the rest of Key 2 Time came on offer I nabbed in and slotted it into my "listen to" pile. Well this story is rather run of the mill, we're wondering into big budget blockbuster territory that isn't to well suited to audio. Peter Anghelides usually pens a fun tale but we're in serious end of the universe territory here and theres very little of the fun in the previous two instalments here. Also theres a lot of filling time and "moving the the chess pieces" around the the board. Things get better as the story progresses, very much a tale of two half's and as things escalated on the second disc my attention was firmly grabbed. Familiar faces reappear (take a look at the cover - although its not what you think) and start influencing the story giving it a sense of urgency. I came away with a sense of enjoyment, I'm also rather tempted to investigate the "Tracers" spin off. The 5th Doctor and Amy were a rather fun TARDIS crew and I hope their paths cross in the future.

Second up this month is "Live 34" featuring the 7th Doctor, Ace and Hex. This is firmly a story I urge you to get, utterly brilliant and borderline perfect. In 2003 Big Finish released a number of experimental stories and this 2005 release could fit into those stories perfectly. Its all about the presentation for this story, its told in the format of a radio show reporting incidents The Doctor and company are involved with and hearing a Doctor Who story from the point of view of the population The Doctor is trying to save. We don't even get the theme music on this disc we get jingles and music from the titular Liver 34 radio station. If like we you enjoyed BF's 2003 experimental phase this is definitely a story for you, in all honestly the resolution leaves a little to be desired but up to that point the stories so good its only a little niggle. Of note is an appearance from 90's radio host and current TV and film reviewer Andrew Collins.

Next up is "Horror of Glam Rock" we're off into the 8th Doctor Adventures range featuring the 8th Doctor and Lucie. A rather amusing 45 minute story set in a motorway service station populated by 70's rockers on their way to gigs or Top of the Pops, Paul Magrs works his usual stuff and like the title theres a few 70's song lyrics hidden in the story. The cast is like a whose who, apart from Paul McGann and Sheridan Smith as the regulars we have BERNARD BLOODY CRIBBINS of virtually everything from the last 50 years, Una Stubbs best known from Sherlock, Stephen Gately from Boyzone and Clare Buckfield of Grange Hill and 2.4 Children. Lots of fun and a rather quick story that left me looking forward to the next episode, Lucie after experiencing an alien planet gets to experience time travel and meets and unexpected person. Keep your ears peeled for an element of the season long plot.

After hearing Demon Quest and Serpents Crest I decide to nip back to the start of the 4th Doctors audio adventures. Featuring the 4th Doctor, Mrs Wibbsey and Mike Yates its another Paul Magrs penned story this month. As opposed to the plays I've heard this month this is an audio book, its bloody good fun though. Tom Baker and Richard Franklin cover the narrating duties with Susan Jameson and Daniel Hill voicing their respective characters. This is pure traditional 70's cookies and milk Doctor Who and set in Nest Cottage with a wonderfully OTT Tom Baker this story is pure nostalgia and all the best for it. A jolly spiffing story that sees the 4th Doctor taking on the might of some stuffed animals - Magrs at his most bonkers. Having heard the future ranges from this team its fascinating to hear the start and it sounds like a have an origin for Mrs Wibbsey to look forward to.

I can recommend all the releases reviewed this month and look forward to continuing my journey through the Big Finish output in 2015.

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