Sunday 3 July 2016

The Big Finish Catch-Up: December 2015

For those of you new to this section of the blog, I started listening to the Big Finish Doctor Who releases when they started back in 1999, getting them as they were released up to mid 2002 and release No 33 Neverland. At that time I left Uni and due to being a bit busy with life and what not I only heard one or two releases over the next few years. I started getting back into them around 2008 and was 6 years behind at that point. Due to wondering off into the Lost Doctor range and a relaxed listening pace I fell further behind. In order to catch up I'm listening to two releases a month (or more when its a 60 min single disc release, plus without seeing the cover or knowing anything about the story) and my mission to catch up continues;

My final audio session of 2015 started with 'The Last Post' from the 'companion chronicle' range starring Caroline John in her final performance as Liz before her passing. Its a bit of a belter and Caroline performs the other UNIT regulars with gusto. Some fannish moments and another story that shows this range isn't to be ignored.

The moment I found out that Big Finish had the War Doctor I knew I couldn't wait eight years to catch up. This feels like something different from the norm, more tragic than anything I've ever heard and John Hurt gives a war/universe weary performance. It feels both epic and intimate, the story throws you off kilter - just as you think a typical 'Whoish' thing is going to happen the rug is tugged from under the listeners feet and you realise this is going to be a range unlike any other. The War Doctors relationship with the Time Lords also isn't what I expected but it suits the Doctors renegade nature. It has an odd end but its an odd story with what I suspect included a lot of set up. In short 'The Innocent' is a very interesting story and feels like it could be the start of a special journey.

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