Thursday 6 December 2018

The Big Finish Catch-Up October 2018

For those of you new to this section of the blog, I started listening to the Big Finish Doctor Who releases when they started back in 1999, getting them as they were released up to mid 2002 and release No 33 Neverland. At that time I left Uni and due to being a bit busy with life and what not I only heard one or two releases over the next few years. I started getting back into them around 2008 and was 6 years behind at that point. Due to wondering off into the Lost Doctor range and a relaxed listening pace I fell further behind. In order to catch up I'm listening to two releases a month (or more when its a 60 min single disc release, plus without seeing the cover or knowing anything about the story) and my mission to catch up continues;

The Eight Truths (and Worldwide Web) starring the 8th Doctor and Lucie, Paul McGann and Sheridan Smith.

The strong third season of the Eight Doctor Adventures ends on a high. Strong stuff all around from the cast and production crew. Particular mention I must give to Eddie Robson who has become one of my favourite writers over the last few years. Its the only two disc story in some time and its a lovely slow burn story with a few teases being thrown in about who the villains are - I'm kicking myself for not spotting them. It feels like the end of an era in a way last seasons finale wanted to be but wasn't a few plot points from end of last season and beginning of this one are finished off. Character wise even the one off characters go on a journey and a few familiar characters as well as the regulars have a few nail biting moments.

Highly recommended and after a poor end to the previous season and start to this season the range is back on a high 9/10.

The Trail of the White Work / The Oseidon Adventure starring Tom Baker and Louise Jameson as the 4th Doctor and Leela.

Blimey, you wait around for months and two season finales come along at once. The Fourth Doctors first season ends on a high. This story is just pure fun and is what I hoped for when Big Finish announced that Tom Backer was coming aboard. It is an absolute romp turned up to eleven and if you come in with no spoilers like I did lots of surprises. On top of that theres a change between the first and second disc to the extent I don't begrudge the story having two titles. There is a certain character who I wont give away who is deliciously sneaky during this story. Another powerful 9/10 and even though its the end of a season it is very standalone and could easily be listened to without hearing the rest of the season.

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