Thursday 19 December 2019

My Top Ten Doctor Who Stories of the Decade

10. The Husbands of River Song, this is one of my favourite Christmas stories being loud, fun with an added dollop of emotion thrown in. We've got the tying up of River Songs story line, the slow dawning for The Doctor that he has one final adventure with her and a good fun adventure that keeps escalating. This story has so much range and all aspects are handled perfectly.

9. It Takes You Away, an absolute bonkers story that starts off as Dog Soldiers and morphs into the Frog Princess. I love the mystery of this story, its cold, its dark and yet its all about love. This is the high point of Season 11 for me, the show hit its stride at the halfway mark and builds until this high point.

8. Under the Flood, oooh I love the vibe of this one - a ghost story in an odd location with a timey wimey aspect thrown in. I love these dark stories and to me the end of Peter Capaldis first season and start of his second is utterly my jam. Of course it has a brilliant WTF cliff hanger which made the wait to the next episode unbearable.

7. Vincent and the Doctor, this is the only story that I'd describe as a tough sit on first viewing. Everybody loves the final scene with Dr Black and Vincent, but for me the punch the air moment is earlier in the story. When they're about to leave Vincents home and Vincent can't leave is the moment where everyone who has dealt or had depression breathed a sigh of relief in that depression was being done properly.

6. The Witch's Apprentice, my favourite start to a season. Scene upon scene where I'm holding my breath, Davros at his best since Remembrance, A Doctor being hunted, Missy thrown into the pot just to add chaos and a real feel that the season is going to be bleak. A story where it doesn't feel like anyone wins - just survives.That scene with the young Davros may be my favourite in Who.

5. Day of the Doctor, the perfect anniversary story - its destined to become one of my most watched stories and its nearly there already.

4.Listen, the complete opposite of the previous story in this list. A quiet intimate story - possibly the most a-typical since the comeback. There is no plot which is wonderful, The Doctor gets an idea stuck in his head and follows it to see what happens - utter brilliance.

3. A Christmas Carol, my favourite Christmas story and its peak Matt Smith - I can't imagine any Doctor doing this story. The music, the casting, the tone and the twists are all virtually perfect. Already this is my most watched Christmas story.

2. Heaven Sent, one of the most important factors I have in compiling these lists is the impact the story had on first viewing. If this list was only based on that this story would be top. Peter Capaldis Doctor walking around a tower for an hour pursued by a monster. This is the Twelfth Doctor at his peak and sums up The Doctor, he will be the last person trying even if it takes a million years.

1. The Pandorica Bangs, Season 5 is my favourite season of this decade and the ending is majestic. The first episode looks like its building to a Hollywood blockbuster but them the final episode turns it on its head. So many moments, the stone Dalek, the converging of enemies, River trapped in the sun, the girl who waited. For me this is the perfect ending to a near perfect season.

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