Saturday 20 February 2021

Remembrance of the Daleks

 My random Doctor Who viewing has taken me to Remembrance of the Daleks and I'm in the mood to put down some thoughts on the story. First of all this is my era as a fan, I'd watched Doctor Who from early childhood but the McCoy era is where my memory kicks in and was actively watching the show. I'd enjoyed the previous series and was looking forward to when it would return.

At the time this story felt special, this was a big deal - naturally it was the Daleks were coming back. That feeling holds up today, every time I slip the DVD in there is an inner squeel which I hope never goes away. Its an odd start as The Doctor is where he wants to be, not only that he's conducting some business and he has a plan. This is McCoy and Cartmels 7th Doctor after they've had a chance to sit down and decide what they want to do after the last second casting of the previous season. We're seeing mystery being added to The Doctor and even in the early scenes something is different from the previous season. 

I like the easter eggs of the location and casting in the story, in my younger days I had no idea they existed and over the years they've become a fun treat. Speaking of the cast Pamela Salem and Simon Williams are excellent and should have been used more often in the industry. Rachel Jensen in particular is one of my favourite one off characters and I will no doubt dip into the Counter Measures stuff in the future. The first episode is perhaps my favourite one off episode of the original run, its dynamic, pacey, screaming to fit in all it wants to the run time and has THAT cliffhanger.

Episode two is also fun, it feels like those episodes in season 7 where the story goes off on a tangent be it a virus spreading through the UK or the hunt for one Silurian. The difference here is that The Doctor is pressing pause on proceedings and going off to do some business. This Doctor is always in control - theres always a mistake or something he didn't plan for (in this case two sets of Daleks) but this Doctor is more in control than any previous Doctor.

The story goes on and finishes with some big events that later producers for the show as well as spinoffs have been able to have fun with. Sylvester McCoy is coming into his own in this story, Ace looks to be fun and we have a strong dynamic. In terms of niggles theres a little bit of wobbly Daleks on location and one of the guests is a bit ropey but nothing enough for me to tarnish the story. 

Two of my favourite character moments occur in this story, first Aces reaction to the "No Coloured" sign, she grabs her ghetto blaster and storms off. She's not mature enough to deal with this and the show isn't afraid to say it. Secondly The Doctors conversation with Joseph Marcell about consequences, this isn't a Doctor who waits until the last moment before having a crisis of conscience he's having it all the way through this story and only shows it briefly including this scene.

Another happy viewing and time to put the DVD away until next time...

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