Saturday 13 March 2021

Lost - The Glass Ballerina

This is an episode that I'd forgotten about and wasn't expecting to come in this position. After last weeks episode I rolled into this episode looking forward to seeing what was going on at the camp after the explosion and that isn't touched upon this episode. In all honesty I'd forgot that Sayid, Sun and Jin were on the boat looking to link up with Jacks party in an ambush attempt. As enjoyable as this episode is there is an element of "hurry up and get back to the hatch" about this episode.

I enjoyed this episode and in particular the flashback, we get some meat on the bone of Sun and Jins story. Despite being a shared flashback between the couple a lot is packed in such as the state of their marriage, Sun not being a pure as we're led to believe, Jin willing to do so much to keep Sun in his life and the effect Mr Paik has on their lives. I don't need the flashback to always be pivotal to the episode and this one works as a rather nice character piece.

Its a busy episode away from the flashback as Kate and Sawyer are put to work clearing rocks and we see and meet more of The Others including someone who looks to be the girlfriend of Karl from last week. The Others mount an attack on the boat as Sayid sets up a trap, this all feels like its writing by numbers to get the boat away from the Losties but it makes Sayid look stupid as he tries to set up an ambush with three people while trying to keep it a secret from one of them. Sun being the one to actually shoot someone is a good touch and helps the episode in its mission statement to "muddy" her.

The final scene with Jack and Ben is a good one, it asks questions such as what is their interest in Jack and why isn't he being put to work with Kate & Sawyer. I could have done without the TV and "current events" moment which ties The Others and the show to America in a way that takes the shine off. The Red Sox joke could have been done any other way any other time and it doesn't land at this moment but nice try. 

To sum up a very good episode 8/10 but not the episode this viewer was looking for.

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