Friday 14 February 2014

Valentines Day

Its all gone a bit pink recently hasn't it? That's virtually the only clue I need to tell me that its Valentines Day, I say day but rather like Christmas its turned into one of those "days" that now include a build up to it that makes it go on forever. I find myself asking what is it building up to? The day where I'm supposed to be romantic?

I don't bloody think so!

Let me tell you a thing or two about romance, it is not something you turn on and off depending on what a calender says. Romance for me is mostly passion and lust and its always lurking just out of sight - ready to spring. I don't know when its going to launch and neither do the women I've gone out with over the years didn't know either - its called being spontaneous.

Sadly the world at large seems to prefer to buy flowers from a florist whose put the prices up and book a table at a restaurant who have also put their prices up. TV presenters can't stop mentioning Valentines Day - even when its done dripping in irony its annoying. Shop windows have suddenly turned pink with the latest item clogging up the stockrooms going on sale. Salons have put the prices up so those who've left it late to get pink nails end up paying gold nail rates. Added on to that my inbox in inundated with companies urging me to purchase their goods hoping an advert with a flower or heart in it will result in a sale. Most annoyingly

Its just all gone corporate with people going through the motions to pass the time. Personally I find it depressing - if there's one emotion I thought would never sell out its love. I find myself enjoying the fact I'm single at the moment even if I wasn't the only thing I'd have to say about Valentines Day would be "bah humbug..."

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