Wednesday 13 August 2014

Taken 3

To those of you who haven't noticed one of the top hit film series of recent years has been the Taken series. In these films various members of Liam Neesons family are kidnapped and he spends the rest of the film in a desperate race against time to rescue them. As of the recent film Liam Neeson has run out of family members that need rescuing and doesn't see a future for the series.

Thankfully I have a solution and have prepared the following movie pitch for Taken 3:

Liam Neeson has retired from the security and celebrity protection game and has moved to suburban London. He spends his days down the local pub and feeding the ducks in the local park. He becomes fixed in a routine and is favourite park of the week is bin night where he puts his wheelie bin out to be collected by the council the following morning.

 One afternoon he returns from the pub to find the council have replaced his wheelie bin with a newer thinner model that doesn't contain as much rubbish. After making a phone call to Boris Johnson he threatens to hunt him down and kill him if he doesn't return his wheelie bin. The rest of the film is a race against time as Liam Neeson cuts through council red tape in aid to reach his bin before it is destroyed.

Lets face it ladies and gentle readers, when Liam Neeson hears about this pitch his agent will be in contact within seconds to confirm he's aboard. We can only hope this latest blog has ensured the future of the Taken series...

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