Saturday 29 August 2020

Big Finish Monthly Range Ranked: 40-31

  Good afternoon lady and gentle readers, recently it was Big Finishes 21st anniversary of releasing Doctor Who output. Blimey 21 years, what better way to celebrate than with a list and for your pleasure I have ranked the first 100 releases of The Big Finish monthly range. This is the second round of the rankings taking from 40-31. As usual beware spoilers and enjoy!

40. Sword of Orion, during this ranking I've said that quite a few stories could rise with a re-listen and this play is a case in point. When this story came out it was not the story I was hoping for, Cybermen in the internet age doing new things with technology - awesome! Instead we get a boring traditional story that felt like it was copy and pasted from somewhere else. However thats not the case, with a re-listen we have a wonderful story that captures the sense of fun and energy that set the tine for Paul McGann. It gets better with every listen and I've grown quite fond of it. Its certainly the best of Nicholas Briggs "not nailed to the plot" stories and has fantastic world building. The stories weakness on the first listen has become its strength, the market that the 8th Doctor and Charley find themselves in is wonderful, the ships crew become well rounded characters and it matters more when the Cybermen turn up and try to spoil everything. This story is a lovely traditional world building (for spin off series) moment that I get soppy about.

39. Whispers of Terror, OMG its another one I get soppy about as its the first 6th Doctor story and third release over all. Along with Peri he's in an audio museum as Justin Richards pens a fun mystery which has some fun audio aspects. I have a fondness for this story as its the one I got along with Sirens of time and was a part of my first ever Big Finish haul. Of note are cast appearances by Lisa Bowerman and Peter Miles who are lots of fun.

38. 100, from part of the earliest haul its the final listen of the first 100 releases. A lovely collection of stories here as to celebrate the 100 release. Its nice that Colins 6th Doctor gets this moment as his Doctor has been repaired by Big Finish and he shares the stage with Maggie Stables Evelyn Smythe the companion who did so much for him. The stories are lots of fun with a menagerie of writers from the range - some of which haven't been around for a while. The first two stories are quite fun luring the listener into a false sense of comfort and then some rather interesting things happen on the final disc. A fun moment and a celebration rather than a play.      

37. Son of the Dragon, its a historical featuring the 5th Doctor, Peri, Erimem and Dracula - Yes Dracula! This isn't your Bram Stoker stuff this is full blown historical First Doctor era stuff going on here. A mighty stark story set in Eastern Europe sees enemies on all sides including among the companions as we visit an aspect of Erimem seen in an earlier story. Its good writing by Steve Lyons a familiar name from the book range with James Purefoy on good form as Vlad III.If I have to pick one word to describe this play its "stark" everything feels bleak and time travel feels like hard labour instead of fun - I mean this as a compliment. This is not one of the fluffy plays - its as far away as you can get with nothing in the shape of garlic and coffins to lighten the mood. Proper moody stuff indeed.

36. The Reaping, featuring the 6th Doctor, Peri and the Cybermen. Written by Joseph Lidster who I'd like to mention as a number of his plays have already been mentioned and this is the highest ranked. It gels with me which is largely a first for a full release story. Like the last one its also dark and theres a lot of things going on, Nicola Bryant is given some of her most powerful scenes, the Doctor feels like he's constantly a step behind and the Cybermen feel more vicious than usual. This play contains one of the best resolutions ever in a Big Finish release. Just when it looks like the Cybermen have won one of the best plot twists occurs that is so good I gave an expletive ridden gasp of shock.

35. Neverland, the finale of the 8th Doctors second season wrapping up the ongoing storylines that have been going on since Charley turned up and setting things up for Zagreus. This is a personal story for me as it marks the end of an era, I'd just left Uni and life was about to change and this story ends on such a good cliff hanger that I felt it was a good point to put things on hold and come back later. In hindsight this series foreshadows the format of Doctor Who when it returned to TV in the shape that we have a mystery thats been built up for most of the season, we get returning characters including someone whose been popping up in various stories and we're in the situation where its the companion in jeopardy instead of The Doctor - plus Charley is a Big Finish original companion! On first listen we have no idea if she's going to survive. A satisfying conclusion to the season with an impressive cliff hanger pulling us into everything that followed.

34. The Axis of Insanity, blimey its Simon Furman off of The Transfomers comics on writing duties. This play see's the 5th Doctor, Peri and Erimem visit a realm containing an elephants graveyard of broken time lines that has been taken over by an insane jester. This jester is so well performed it lifts the story and should be listened to for the performance alone. However theres enough fun and fluff from the characters and location that its not a one person play. Dare I say it, the play feels like it shouldn't work but work it does and its highly absorbing.

33. I.D. its our first two play release on this list for some time, we have the three episode long I.D. and the one part Urgent Calls. Colin Bakers Doctor is going solo on this release and its an interesting dynamic, I.D. is a very good story with an interesting cast including one time contender to be a companion if Sophie Aldred hadn't have locked her in the lavs and of all people Gyles Brandreth! Its very good cyber punk tech scavenging stuff. However the main reason this release is this high is due to Urgent Calls a lovely done in one play with a gorgeous format. The story is a string of phone conversations with a Whoish twist that leaves a lovely taste in the ears. I'd go as far as to say if this ranking was individual stories Urgent Calls would be top 10, maybe even top 5.

32. Night Thoughts, a fantastic scary night time monster / whodunnit story featuring the 7th Doctor, Ace and Hex. Oooh, this is another good one, full of twists, good characters and the 7th Doctor infuriating everyone by keeping secrets and getting things wrong until they go right. This entire team is a triumph and Hex has added so much to what including the books could be described as the most over used double act in Doctor Who. Also possibly one of the most memorable endings.

31. Medicinal Purposes, Doctor Who does the Burke & Hare body snatchings with a Doctor Who twist. Robert Ross on writing duties makes a near faultless debut - sorry your other play is so low! With a historical that at one point takes an unexpected turn with good results. a mystery turns into a battle of wits that in turn leads to an ethical decision. Leslie Phillips is giving a career best performance as Knox - one of Big Finishes best original creations. He has a voice I could listen to for days! This play is so rich, it draws you in, refuses to let you go and when it ends your left in a hell of a state. On note in the guest cast is David Tennant who is a pivotal presence in this story. The story features the 6th Doctor and Evelyn who go through the ringer again, if ever there was a TARDIS crew that deserved to land on the planet of milkshakes and fluffy bunnies its these two. Sometimes the good guys don't win, sometimes they only survive and this is one of those times.

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