Saturday 28 November 2020

Heroes - Run

 Now this is more like it! Run is a proper fun episode and it feels like the series has climbed back onto the horse. This episode is so good Matt and Nikki two characters whose storylines were collapsing under the weight of boredom together and it works! Its taken them forever to get Matt away from the police force and now they have he's already been put in interesting positions whilst also being able to use his powers in the field.

Nathan Petrelli and the stuff with Claire is also engaging while the stuff with Mrs Bennet is very worrying indeed. As well as this we get a brilliant arc set up with Mohinder and Syler that is proper panto yelling good - if you weren't yelling at Mohinder to look in the kitchen you're watching this show wrong. On top of all this after treading water for two episodes Hiro & Ando are back to doing fun stuff with a storyline that feels like good farce. Closing things off we get another fun cliff hanger as Nikki is given a new target in the shape of Nathan. Brilliant stuff and the show needs to be more like this and less like the previous few episodes 8.5/10.

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